There’s a surprising statistics that has confirmed that common Americans love to have a successful pearl teeth whitening success story. According to recent report from the Beurau of Statistics, as much as 1.7 billion dollars have been spent each year for teeth whitening products or services.
Tooth stains have been a common problem in adult American. These stains gradually cover your teeth enamel over the years because of our habit of consuming alcohol, cigarette, coffee, tea etc. Even regular food also contributes to the forming of these stains.
Conventionally, there are two options when you are searching for teeth whitening method. First is to have a cosmetic service provided by dentist, and the second is to get tooth whitening products from the stores. The first option is highly effective, but it comes with a very high price for most people. While the second option is much more affordable, the effectiveness is questionable and you don’t get a proper supervision. Supervision is important because dentist can tell if you really need the whitening methods and which method that will be effective based on your teeth condition.
Recently, there’s a new method that might be best for you. This method is called the pearl teeth whitening. It is using a new ionic system that works differently compared to other common teeth whitening products. As you may have known, most products use carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide as their active agent. While studies have shown that 3.6 percent of hydrogen peroxide –which is equivalent with 10 percent of carbamide peroxide –is safe, some products don’t even list the concentration of this ingredient. Higher concentration of these chemical items might weaken the enamel and cause gum irritation.
One of the pearl teeth whitening products that have gained positive reviews from its users is the Pearl Brilliant White Ionic Teeth Whitening System. As we have mentioned earlier, this product doesn’t use abrasive chemical ingredient, so the possibility of irritated gum is zero. It also doesn’t weaken the enamel.
Pearl Teeth Whitening Advantages:
- More affordable compared to regular visit to dentist (although it is still more expensive compared to the usual teeth whitening products you get from the stores)
- The whole process is painless, because it doesn’t use hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. Therefore, you won’t experience irritation, inflammation or itching on your gum.
- Because it is completely safe, you can do it daily. The process is quick and easy too. All you have to do is use the Pearl Brilliant White Ionic Teeth Whitening system for five minutes, twice a day. Super convenient.
- The result is fairly fast too. With regular use, some of the reviewers have said that they saw the difference from day five.
As we have said earlier, the best teeth whitening method would be going to your dentist and get your teeth treated in the most professional way. But you have to prepare to dig deep in your wallet because the overall process could cost you around $300 to $1000. The common teeth whitener is far cheaper, but it comes with some degree of risk. I personally think that the new ionic pearl teeth whitening system is the best answer. Up until this article is written, the product cost you around $180, but many people have recommended it.
This pearl teeth whitening system is not your magic cure. You should still brush your teeth properly, and make a regular visit to your dentist to make sure that your teeth are healthy.
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