Root canal surgery is not uncommon in the world. It is even included into one of the most carried out operations in the world with estimated 20 million people in the United States of America alone. As basic information, root canal treatment procedure is the procedure used to repair and save a tooth which suffers from severe infection or decay.
Human tooth is divided into two parts including crown and root. The crown consists of enamel, gum, and dentin while root consists of pulp chamber and root canal composed of pulp tissue, bone, supporting ligament, root end opening, and much more. If the tooth suffers from extreme decay or crack, it will cause inflammation or infection in the pulp tissue of the root canal. The condition will affect the blood supply to the pulp. People might not experience pain but the infection will spread through canal system and result in abscess formation if these left untreated. The abscess causes severe pain on particular tooth or when you are biting food or consume too hot or too cold drinks. The clear sign of the condition is the tooth growing tender and becoming discolored which is the sign of dead tooth nerve. To solve this problem, sufferers need to undergo root canal treatment procedure.
In root canal treatment procedure, the pulp chamber of the tooth will be removed with walls of the canals. It is then modified and enlarged. After the canals become smooth and sharp, the dentist will inject the drugs into the cavity. The drugs have the function to kill the bacteria. The dentists will fill the tooth with filler material and consequently sealed to avoid any contamination. The procedure cannot be completed only with one-time visit to your dentist. To complete all steps in root canal treatment, the patients will need 3 to 6 sessions. However, it also depends on the dentists and the tooth damage.
Before performing the procedure, the dentists will inject the local anesthetic to prevent the patients to experience any pain during the procedure. The dentists also provide some drugs to be taken during the first dew days of treatment so the tooth keeps sensitive. The patients are not allowed to chew on hard foot during this period. The treatment is safe and the success rate is high approximately 90%. After getting the treatment, your dentists might require you to take X-Ray six months following the treatment. It is important to check whether the infection has completely healed or not.
Root canal treatment procedure is totally safe. The procedure is supported with modern knowledge, new techniques, instrument, and art equipment. According to some dentists, the procedure can be completed in one session under some condition. It can be performed if the dental pulp is necrotic and does not have any injury or periapical abscess.
You do not need to worry about the pain when you are undergoing the root canal treatment procedure. The dentists are injecting anesthesia to prevent the pain. Patients might experience mild discomfort for some days. It is especially during the recovery process.
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